5 Most Dangerous Mountains for Climbers

For mountain climbers, these towering landforms bring excitement and challenge at the same time. Some mountains, however, are so challenging they could put even the most experienced climbers to submission, especially if they are not careful enough. Here are some of the most dangerous mountains to climbers. Annapurna (pictured) – The tenth highest mountain, located […]

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5 Myths About Ecotourism

You always have an image in your head whenever you hear “ecotourism”: camping in absolute wilderness, long days of strenuous hiking, cooking meals on a camp stove. However, there is a lot more about ecotourism than enjoying nature on the barest of necessities. For the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to […]

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How to Call Home From Abroad

If you are set for a multi-day vacation spree outside the country, finding a way to call home could be a struggle if you are not prepared. Many countries still do not have widespread Internet access, sometimes even no Internet (or phones) at all. There are many ways to call loved ones at home while […]

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The Essence Of Being A Tour Guide

For people who are contemplating a different career, going into a route where ones passions reside would be the right direction to go. If it is travel and a passion for history that one’s interests lay, being a tour guide may be a good option to take advantage of such interests in having a fulfilling […]

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Tipping Etiquette Basics

Tipping is usually experienced by most people by dining out in restaurants. But that is just not where tipping is also practiced. For a frequent traveler, tipping is usually involved in almost all manner of activity during a trip. The most important thing is that the traveler knows the right way of tipping. Here are […]

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